Quarantine Survival Guide

So, 2021 is here. What a great time to try for a fresh start, new beginnings, and perhaps some positivity despite the pandemic that still exists. Yes, sounds awesome, but easier said than done, right?

Living Mindfully: Week 2

Week 2: Loving Kindness Meditation  Formal practice this week: 10 minutes of sitting meditation daily Focus this week: loving kindness  Happiness happens from the inside-out. Welcome to Week 2! We hope you enjoyed finding the breath in Week 1. This week, we will work on practicing loving kindness meditation. My hope for you is to…

Living Mindfully: Week 1

Week 1: The beauty of the breath Formal practice this week: 10 minutes of sitting meditation daily Focus this week: the breath “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh  How amazing the breath is – the vital function of life. All day long…

Living Mindfully: Introduction

In today’s society, we are so often living in fast forward – doing, rushing, multitasking, and living against the clock – that we miss out on what’s happening around us in the present. The subtle yet amazing moments, experiences, or surroundings flee all too quickly without us noticing. Our minds are constantly living in the…


We are Alicia & Emily - two native Midwest Chicago sisters living in San Diego, California. We love to cook. We love to workout. We love to learn about living mindfully and finding happiness in the daily grind. We created this blog to share our passion with the world in hopes that it can help just one person live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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