Creamy Balsamic Kale Salad

This salad is made with fresh kale tossed in a creamy and tangy balsamic dressing. Have this recipe done in minutes and your side dish is ready to go for any meal. I created this salad after my head was tucked in the fridge for minutes on end trying to think of a quick, easy…

Pesto Avocado & Mozzarella Salad

Basil pesto, fresh mozzarella, sweet cherry tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber – fresh ingredients that make the perfect salad for Spring and Summer. It’s a quick side dish that doesn’t involve much prep at all. I served this salad with grilled chicken and roasted potatoes, but it goes great with just about anything, even on it’s…


We are Alicia & Emily - two native Midwest Chicago sisters living in San Diego, California. We love to cook. We love to workout. We love to learn about living mindfully and finding happiness in the daily grind. We created this blog to share our passion with the world in hopes that it can help just one person live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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